
Minitab license manager
Minitab license manager

MSI Switch Table (Common) Switch /passive /qn /qb /qr Basic user interface, progress bar only Quiet, no user interface Basic user interface, the Cancel button will be active during installation Reduced user interface, the Cancel button will be active during installationĢ Property Table Property APPDIR ACCEPT_EULA LICENSE_SERVER server name or IP address Specify a custom installation directory. Use with appropriate MSI switch for modified end-user experience (e.g., /qn, /qb, /passive). 03=German 033=English 034=Spanish 036=French 04=Japanese 042=Korean 046=Portuguese 2052=Simplified Chinese Required parameter for a silent install. If language is not specified, the installer will use your system regional settings for the default language, or default to English if a match is not found. EXE Switch Table Command Line Switches /exelang /exenoui Specify the default language of the installation and application. For more information on installation, deployment and licensing, see the Minitab Installation Guide. The following tables outline properties and switches that can be used to deploy Minitab to your end-users. To do so, you must specify the license information for each installation using the appropriate command line syntax. Deploying Minitab on a PC You can use the command line to install Minitab on the client computer. If you are deploying software to end users, you are accepting these terms on their behalf. If you do not agree to these terms, uninstall the software package. By installing Minitab, you agree to the terms of the License Agreement and Privacy Policy.

minitab license manager

It also provides instructions for installing and licensing Minitab desktop app version 9 on macos. 1 Minitab Deployment Guide This guide provides instructions for installing and licensing Minitab Statistical Software on Windows.

Minitab license manager